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Monday 3 February 2014

Nerf Dart Tag Speedload 6 - Review

The Speedload 6 is a member of the Dart Tag line up and is the little brother of the Quick 16.  It features an inbuilt six round clip and is slam fire capable.  The Speedload 6 is a single shot blaster using the reverse plunger propulsion method.


The Speedload 6 is a bulky pistol thanks to its in built clip, but despite this is comfortable to hold and fire.  The pistol grip is textured and fits an adult hand well.  The blaster is fired by pulling back and pushing forward the priming slide then pulling the trigger.  Although not advertised the slam fire function is achieved much like any blaster, by holding the trigger and repeatedly pumping the priming slide.  The effect is a quick barrage of darts perfect for CQB situations.

Loading the blaster is more straight forward than the Quick 16 thanks mainly to the decreased clip size, but unfortunately the likelihood of jamming is still quite high.  This often happens during slam fire when a dart is incorrectly loaded in the barrel and the blaster tries to pick up another dart causing a severe jam and dart damage around the dart loading area.

The sling clip at the back is handy for attaching to a tactical vest or your belt and makes this blaster a formidable secondary weapon when your down to your last few darts.

Usability Score 6/10


As with its older brother the Speedload 6 doesn't lend its hand well to attachments.  It features no tactical rails and is unable to have a stock attached to it.  This blaster would have benefited from a top rail as a scope of some type would look sweet sitting aloft this blaster.

Unfortunately I feel the general style of this blaster is somewhat blah.  I am not a huge fan of the Dart tag logo splashed everywhere but can understand how it fits with the design aesthetic of the Dart Tag league.

Styling/Tacticool Score 3/10


The Quick 16 disappointed in the performance stakes and I was hoping for better results from its little brother.  But alas this wasn't the case as the Speedload came in at 30th out of 32 blasters tested (please note the blaster tested featured the orange trigger which was later improved to a blue trigger version further down the track).

Dart Distance - 7.6m (25 feet).  The blaster fired a maximum distance of 9m (30 feet) and a minimum distance of 6m (20 feet).

Darts per second (Slam fire mode) - 3dps.  An impressive result firing even quicker than the Quick 16 and just less than the Raider CS 35.  Check out the testing video.

Performance Score - 5/10

I would love to like the Dart tag line more but the continued poor performance of these blasters makes that hard to do.  Despite an impressive dps figure the overall score I give the Speedload 6 is 14/30.

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